Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Skate time!!

Today some skateboarders from Cheap Skates visited Wairakei School to promote the Skate Jam at Jellie Park on Sunday 27th June 12-3pm .

A few of our children joined in the demo!!

Cheap Skates Demo on PhotoPeach

I'm glad you guys came I hope you come again. My favourite trick was the Super Kick Flick. Marcus

I really enjoyed having a go at school skateboarding but I've had a go with Cheap Skates before. My favourite trick was the Fakie Varial. Josh

At morning tea I got the chance to skate with Cheap Skates. My faviourite trick was the Noli 180 because these guys are the best at doing them. I am looking forward to the Jellie Skate Jam. Thanks to the guys for showing us mean moves. Kyle

   Click on the image to challenge your skating skills


  1. On nother note, has anyone realised that in the reccent newsletter there was two spelling errors! they spelt TRY and SAHVANAH wrong!!
    there is a corrected copy in the classroom!!!!

  2. o miy lisa you so make a fool of your self
