Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Multiple Intelligences

Try this informative multiple Intelligences test

It has been claimed by some people that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things than others.

For some of us it is relatively easy to understand how a flower grows but it is immensely difficult for us to understand and use a musical instrument. For others music might be easy but playing football is difficult.

Instead of having one intelligence it is claimed that we have several different intelligences.
These are listed below:
Kinaesthetic - Body Smart Linguistic - Word Smart
Logical - Number Smart      Interpersonal - People Smart
Intrapersonal - Myself Smart         Musical - Music Smart
Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart       Naturalistic - Nature Smart

Kinaesthetic - Body Smart          
You may be body smart. You will enjoy sports and are good at swimming, athletics, gymnastics and other sports. This is sometimes called being Kinaesthetic smart.

Linguistic - Word Smart   
You may be word smart. You will enjoy reading, writing and talking about things. This is sometimes called being Linguistic smart.

Logical - Number Smart  
You may be number smart. You will be good at mathematics and other number activities; you are also good at solving problems. This is sometimes called being Logical smart.

Interpersonal - People Smart     
You may be people smart. You will like to mix with other people and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing. This is sometimes called being Interpersonal smart.

Intrapersonal - Myself Smart      
You may be myself smart. You will know about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. You will probably keep a diary. This is sometimes called being Intrapersonal smart.

Musical - Music Smart      
You may be music smart. You will enjoy music and can recognise sounds, and timbre, or the quality of a tone. This is sometimes called being Musical smart.

Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart
You may be picture smart. You will be good at art and also good at other activities where you look at pictures like map reading, finding your way out of mazes and graphs. This is sometimes called being Visual/Spatial smart.

Naturalistic - Nature Smart         
You may be nature smart. You will like the world of plants and animals and enjoy learning about them. This is sometimes called being Naturalistic smart.

Take the test to see what your learning strengths are 

Friday, June 25, 2010


Some of our art that was on display in the community.

Lighthouse Art on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Skate time!!

Today some skateboarders from Cheap Skates visited Wairakei School to promote the Skate Jam at Jellie Park on Sunday 27th June 12-3pm .

A few of our children joined in the demo!!

Cheap Skates Demo on PhotoPeach

I'm glad you guys came I hope you come again. My favourite trick was the Super Kick Flick. Marcus

I really enjoyed having a go at school skateboarding but I've had a go with Cheap Skates before. My favourite trick was the Fakie Varial. Josh

At morning tea I got the chance to skate with Cheap Skates. My faviourite trick was the Noli 180 because these guys are the best at doing them. I am looking forward to the Jellie Skate Jam. Thanks to the guys for showing us mean moves. Kyle

   Click on the image to challenge your skating skills

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Child Led Conference

Today the children prepared to host their 'Learning Conference'. It has been inspiring to see the children really taking ownership of their learning and reflecting critically on it.

Some of Room two's students taking part in a role play.

The parents are welcomed into our class then the children talk about their successes and enjoyable learning experiences.

The children have given great thought on how they have progressed over the first half of the year and will also identify areas in their learning they need to work on.

Some great discussion happening here.

 Well done people.

Thank you to the great support the children have received by parents actively taking part in the 
'Child Led Conference'.

Who are the All Whites?

We are looking forward to New Zealand's first game!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Breens Visit

Last week our Year Five and Six  students visited Breens Intermediate at their action day. Here are some picture of what we did.

I enjoyed my visit to Breens. I thought that painting the cookies was a really good idea!
Below is a photo of Joe and I using a pot of "paint" (a mix of egg yolks and food coloring) to 
paint our cookies!- Lisa

I enjoyed visiting Breens.I did some painting and it was about a close and far away view, also blending the colours.We did a colour wheel on primary colours and I learnt that the secondary colours are orange,purple and green.When we finished they looked amazing!!!-Libby

 Last Wednesday Room 2,1 and 5 went to Breens Intermediate. I did painting and we started easy then it got harder.We started of making a colour wheel.Then we made amazing art work we mixed colours and then made like a farm on top of the art work. At the end of the art work we made it liked really amazing, cool art work it was so fun. Thank you Breens for letting us come and visit.Sahvanah !!!!             


Last week  Room 5, 1 and 2 went to Breens
and we got picked to choose what thing to do.  I choose science  an our first thing to do was fit a egg in a bottle which did not fit. So we put news paper on fire an put in the bottle then it slipped in the bottle because it needs air. By Marcus.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

School Cross Country Team

Well done to all our Absolutely Brilliant runners. There are a number of children representing the school at the Christchurch Centrals Next Week. All the best .

At the zones it was nerve wracking, I came 33rd. Well done to the people who got into the centrals.

On Monday we went to the Zones at Jellie Park. It was really hard. I came 34th. I think I did well.

On Monday at the Zones I was a bit nervous at the beginning but that didn't affect my  running skills.
I came 4th in my race, this means that I will be representing our North West Zone in the Central Cross Country Race. 

At the zones I was nervous before the race I came 33rd in the year six race. The course was longer than school cross country

On Monday we went to the zone cross country I came 10th it was very hard but I'm happy I'm going to the centrals!!!!

Inquiry Learning

Room Two was given a challenge to create a lighthouse using cardboard, newspaper, tape, wire, light bulbs and batteries.
The lesson seemed a great success with children really using their problem solving and team work skills.We followed on from this lesson with the children writing instructions as to how to build a lighthouse. Our WALT for the lesson was  To use precise language and explicit vocabulary.

Josh was keen to share with the class the switch he made from paper clips.

Emerson and Shania appear very proud of their achievements!!!!!

Some of Room Two working on their lighthouse designs.