Thursday, April 1, 2010

End of Term Assembly

Another achiever this term was Krystal. Krystal has been working very hard on her reading and is making 'Absolutely Brilliant' progress.

Congratulation to Toni for being acknowledged for he responsibility as a road patroller. Toni managed to do road patrol 13 times in term one !!! We really appreciate having such dependable Year Six students at our school. Thanks Toni.

We celebrated the end of our first term with a focus on fitness. Three awards were given to each class. Lillie achieved the award for the fittest person with a beep test score of 10.1. Libby was the most improved by increasing her beep test score by 3.2 and Ben was awarded the title of the most supportive student. Well done to you all. I look forward to watching your improvements over the next three terms.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. not to rub it in.... but there is a mistake on this post too.........
